Linux README 5/01/03 Start the server by running ./hlds_run. After it has loaded, you are able to type commands into the server. During load time, you should see a message that says "WON Auth". This means that you are automatically registered on the Internet and people can start joining your game. If you don't see "WON Auth" but instead see "Auth Server", this means that you did not authenticate with the WON server either because you have an older version of the server or you may not be able to reach the WON servers due to a firewall or proxy. After the server is loaded, you can set the number of allowed players with the maxplayers ("maxplayers 16") command. I would not recommend any more than 8 players on a 200mhz machine. To start the maps, use the map command ("map cz2"). v3.1.1.1 -------- [5.01.03] Changes/Additions: ------------------ - Added support for new Valve CD key system (uses outgoing UDP on port 27040). - Added new GUI for Win32 dedicated server. The new GUI is used as the default interface. To start a dedicated server using the old console window, add "-console" to your command line. - Changed so server.cfg is only executed once during server startup (not during every level change). - Changed default network rate to match max rate allowed (went from 9999 to 20000), for LAN servers. - Changed to use "\valve\valvecomm.lst". - HLTV: New load balancing system. - HLTV: Added client banning. - HLTV: New administration commands: players, maxqueries, maxrate, bann, dispatchmode, publicgame, forcemaster, echo (see HLTV-Readme.txt) - HLTV: Removed -bufferlength parameter. - HLTV: Updated HLTV-Readme.txt file. - HLTV: Updated hltv.cfg file. New CVARS: ---------- - Added two new logaddress commands to the engine * "logaddress_add " adds a new log address to the send list * "logaddress_del " removes an existing entry from the send list - Added "sv_log_onefile <0:1>" (default: 0) to determine whether one log file is created (total) or one log file for each map change, which is how it currently is. The default is the current behavior (one for each map change). - Added "sv_log_singleplayer <0:1>" (default: 0) to create a log file for single player games. The default is off, which is the current behavior. - Added "stats" command to view the data collected by "sv_stats". - Added "sv_stats <0:1>" (default: 1) which determines whether or not to collect server stats (%CPU used, FPS, bandwidth's, etc.) from the server. (0 = off, 1 = on). Determining CPU usage takes a nontrivial amount of time, and needs to be done once per second (or so). - Added "motd" command to view the MOTD in the server console. - Added "motd_write " command to write the given text to the motd.txt file. The character string "\n" is translated into newlines. - Added rate limiting code to Out-Of-Band queries (i.e. players, info). * "max_queries_sec " (default: 0.5) defines max queries per second per user (averaged over max_queries_window) * "max_queries_sec_global " (default: 10) defines max queries per second for all queries * "max_queries_window " (default: 30) defines time window to average query rates over * "sv_logblocks" (default: 0, 0=off, 1=on) logs which IP addresses have been blocked by this code - Linux: Added "-tos" command line parameter to linux hlds binary. This enables the LOWDELAY TOS header in the udp/ip packets the server generates. Bug Fixes: ---------- - Fixed "sv_visiblemaxplayers" setting not working for info/details query response. - Fixed the problem with running multiple servers on the same machine and having them communicate properly with the Ban Master server. Servers now communicate with the Ban Master server on the server's game port (default is 27015). - Fixed the Counter-Strike flashbang bug where the grenade would not always flash all of the players. - Fixed the Counter-Strike server crash bug where players could buy items/weapons while using the "kill" command to drop them on the ground for other players to pickup. - Fixed remote exploit bugs (Security Advisory VSA0304) - HLTV: Fixed RCON. - HLTV: Fixed status query handling. - HLTV: Fixed missing player voices. v3.1.1.0 -------- [6.12.02] Changes/Additions: ------------------ - Ricochet included in this release. - Added logging of the anti-cheat system catching and kicking detected cheats. - Added logging of "kick" commands. - Added logging of "banid" commands. - Changed error message if clients try to download missing resources to be more helpful. - Added new debug message for mod makers if a packet couldn't be parsed correctly. - Changed 'exec' command now only works on .cfg and .rc files. - Changed 'exec' command no longer allows ".." or "\\" or ":" in the filename. - Linux: hlds_run now does auto-restart by default (to disable: define "-norestart" on the command line) - Linux: hlds_run uses "exec" when you define the "-norestart" option. - Linux: Added -pingboost command line parameter. Currently supports three different methods ('-pingboost 1', '-pingboost 2', and 'pingboost 3'). These may not work well (or at all) on some OS environments. - Linux: Added "-debug" flag to hlds_run to automatically run gdb and pull out useful info. New CVARS: ---------- - Added "serverversion", can be set to '1108' to view/re-record old demos. - Added "sv_logbans" to turn the logging of player bans on and off. Default is 0 (off). Bug Fixes: ---------- - Fixed incorrect WonID logging. - Fixed sv_allowdownload being required to be set to 1 for clients to connect to secure servers. - Fixed 'bad address type' fatal error on servers that attempt to run in secure mode but have no DNS resolu tion. - Fixed DropClient messages for Steam clients who were banned or have a duplicate Steam ID to properly show the SteamID of the client. - Fixed HLTV reporting wrong spectator numbers if connection to server was pending. - Fixed "multicast 1" not working if it was issued before HLTV connected to game server. - Fixed relay proxies reporting wrong spectator/slots numbers in multiplayer/LAN menu. - Fixed DMC powerup bug where the invisibility ring would make people glow red. - Fixed rcon bug in HLTV. - Fixed delay being reset to default value during changelevel. - Fixed a problem with propagating HLTV banners. - Fixed bug using "exec " on large files (e.g. banned.cfg). - Linux: Fixed server using 64 MB more memory than it needed to. - Linux: Fixed 'undefined symbol: __strtouq_internal' on some Linux systems. - Linux: Fixed segmentation fault on some Linux systems when attempting to run in secure mode. v3.1.0.9 -------- [4.24.02] - Added Anti-Cheat protection. - User Interface redone for HLTV. - Added cheering to HLTV. - Muting a player in the scoreboard will also mute their text messages. - Steam beta clients and non-Steam clients can play together on the same server now. - Voice communication uses DirectSound by default now. - Added player ID to Half-Life DM. - Added chat flood protection to HLDM. - Added logging of fatal Sys_Error server shutdowns. - Dedicated servers (Win32 + Linux) now default to 32MB heapsize. - Improved dedicated server FPS (sys_ticrate) accuracy in Windows NT/2K/XP and Linux. New CVARS: ---------- "sv_send_logos" when "sv_allowdownloads" is set to 1, this cvar will control whether custom logos are propagated to clients default: 1 "sv_send_resources" when "sv_allowdownloads" is set to 1, this cvar will control whether resources are propagated to clients default: 1 Bug Fixes: ---------- - Fixed bogus \Save directory being created when you ran Half-Life. - Fixed filter logic in the launcher. - Fixed bug where clients couldn't connect to server side only MODs. - Fixed bug where you could "kill" the HLTV entity in Half-Life DM. - Fixed AddIP command. - Fixed crash when a func_breakable triggers a trigger_counter. - Fixed Egon gun beam problem in Half-Life DM. - Fixed Tau cannon prediction problem. - Fixed fog messing Additive sprites. - Fixed Alien Grunts not making any attack sounds. - Fixed Egon's beam looking yellow in sofware mode. - Removed "friends" connectionless packet query. - Fixed "bad address type" fatal server error (caused by clients with long names). - Fixed "condump" so the output won't overwrite previous files. - Fixed "cvarlist" so the output won't overwrite previous files. - Fixed rcon_port and rcon_address so they can be set manually by the player to rcon a server. - Fixed server shutdowns related to using bots. v3.1.0.8 -------- [9.18.01] Changes/Additions: ------------------ - Multicast spectator added. - Voice communication added. - Hardware survey in installer. - Added server chat to logging. - Redesigned multiplayer scoreboard. - CapsLock key is now bindable. - HLDM weapons now use client side prediction. Bug Fixes: ---------- - Bunny hopping removed from HLDM, Counter-Strike, TFC, and DMC. - Fixed banned.cfg problem with more than 1024 entries. - Fixed screenshots overwriting each other. - Buffer overflow exploit fixed. - "condump", "cmdlist", and "cvarlist" only write out to the game directory. - Fixed spy crouching bug in TFC. - Fixed team switching grenade bug. - Feigned spies do not show a weapon model. - Sentry guns, Dispensers, and Detpacks cannot block doorways. - Fixed "detstart"command - Caltrops are being logged in TFC. - Sentry gun and Dispensers are logged in TFC correctly. - Switching to Spectator is now logged in TFC. - "Tell" command is logged in TFC. - Fixed Heavy Weapons Guy firing bug. - Fixed medkit kill bug. - Fixed Spy showing as a Scout in TFC. - Fixed sounds looping in TFC when a player died. - Fixed Quickstart crashing in the launcher. Changes for the Linux Server in version - DMC included in this release. - Remote file exploit fixed. Changes for the Linux Server in version - rcon protocol overhauled to prevent attacks. - Logging standard added for TFC, HLDM, and Counter-Strike. - New 'stat' command that shows the same information as the 'status' command, but is formatted for the screen and log file. - rcon "say" quotes problem fixed. - Disguise5 will no longer crash a Team Fortress server. - Class limits at -1 crash fix. - Added code to support the server variable 'sv_allowupload' - Increased number of entries for banned IPs and banned WON IDs to 32768 (each). - Changed what types of map resource files can be downloaded using .res files (to help mod authors). We've changed from what types of files ARE allowed to what types of files AREN'T allowed. - Added motdfile command. Use hlds +motdfile in the command line or in your server.cfg to change the motd.txt file displayed on your server. - Added logsdir command. Use hlds +logsdir in the command line or in your server.cfg to change the directory relative to the game directory where log files will be stored. - Changed servercfgfile command. Use hlds +servercfgfile in the command line to change the server.cfg file used by your server. - Changed mapcyclefile command. This can now be run from the command line. - Added mp_chattime cvar to specify how long players can chat at the end of a map before it cycles. Default set to 10 (in seconds). - Added tfc_playerid command. This will toggle what information players on your server will see in their status bar. 0 - players see all names listed in the status bar (with appropriate team colors) 1- players only see names for their teammates and hostages in the status bar 2- players do not see any names in the status bar (hostages included) 0 is the default - Added tfc_spectchat. This toggles if spectators can talk to normal clients, or just other spectators. Changes for the Linux Server in version - Added a new TFC server cvar, tfc_spectchat, that will allow the server to regulate whether or not spectators can chat with players in the game. When set to 0, spectators can only chat with other spectators. When set to anything but 0, spectators can chat with everyone in the game. - Merged a bit of missing code between versions and - Fixed "ERROR: SZ_GetSpace: overflow without FSB_ALLOWOVERFLOW set" crashing servers - Fixed "ERROR: Dormant entity player is thinking!!" crashing servers - Problem with fragmentation & reassembly of packets. - Fixed the rcon 'say' command putting " " around every token - Fixed small memory leak problem when using bots - Put client's IP address back into the 'status' command - If a player suicides (types "kill" in the console) while infected, the medic who infected him will get a kill. - If a player changes teams while infected, the medic who infected him will get a kill. - Fixed a bug where players could teamkill by shooting a rocket/grenade at a teammate and switching to specator mode. - Fixed the "adm_deal", "adm_next", and "next" commands to properly cycle through the players in the server. - Fixed the problem with some clients lagging for a round or two at the beginning of a map. - Fixed the "listmaps" command so it displays all the maps (it was skipping the last one in the list). - Fixed the problem with some entities not being reset correctly (i.e. on the map de_foption: could kill the terrorist team at the beginning of a round with a lightning strike). Changes for the Linux Server in version - This update contains three new TF maps: Avanti, Flagrun, and Casbah. - Pyro's burn damage increased in Team Fortress. - Heavy Weapons Guy's chaingun damage reduced. - All map resources can be downloaded from the game server now. Refer to readme.txt for details. - Anti-grenade triggers added to 2Fort spawn rooms. - Team selection also available from class selection screen in Team Fortress. - In-Game text upgraded. - Last weapon used key persists over a player death now. - Counter-Strike proxy cheat fixed. - High framerate connection problem fixed. - Cockroaches can now be killed in single player. - 'Tell' command crash fixed in Team Fortress. - Rcon buffer overflow fixed. Changes for the Linux Server in version - Fixed spy burrowing into the ground. - Fixed svc_bad connection problem. - Fixed spy disguise as team 3/4 on two team maps. - Fixed spy disguise crash. Changes for the Linux Server in version - Fixed crash when clients have specific characters in their names. - Fixed stout buffering problem. Changes for the Linux Server in version - Fixed performance problem on ATI Rage video cards. - Fixed 'Unassigned' in scoreboard bug. - Fixed death messages being delayed when downloading a custom decal. - Fixed 'Out of Handles' crash on dedicated server. - Fixed bug where player models would be drawn incorrectly in Team Fortress 1.5 - Fixed fakelag exploit. - Fixed mmx optimization. - Restart command fixed on dedicated server. - Fixed two flags in Dustbowl bug. - Fixed longjump in Half-Life DM. - Fixed spectator grenade exploit. - Fixed changeteam grenade exploit. - Fixed LoGADDRESS command. Changes for the Linux Server in past versions: - This update includes a complete rewrite of Half-Life's networking system. - Three new maps included (Dustbowl, Epicenter, and Warpath). - Engineer upgrades sentry gun immediately. - Dispensers can be used by touching them. - Spectator mode added. - Number pad keys are now bindable independent. - Support for mouse buttons 4 and 5. - You will get a point in TFC for destroying an enemy sentry gun. - Engineer can view other Engineer's sentry gun stats via HUD. - Tell command added to TFC. - The class of everyone on your team is available via the scoreboard. - Grenade timer added to TFC. - Updated netgraph, use net_graph 3 - TFC Manual updated with all information pertaining to this update. - Console and in-game chat uses a True Type font. - Player names are colored according to team in TFC when talking. - MOTD length increased for server operators. - "Say" no longer includes the server name in the 64 character limit. - Various crash fixes. - no longer required. - Team 4 can now score on 4 player TFC maps. - Fixed soldier's nail grenades in TFC. - We are changing the version number of the server from 1.x.x.x to 3.x.x.x for the Linux server to differentiate between the server and client releases. - Typing 'version' at the server console will give you the version you are running. - Server now allows banning by userid and WON id. Refer to TFCServer.htm located in your \halflife\tfc\manual directory. - HTML TFC manual included with Linux server with information on running a server. - TFStats for Linux will be released in the very near future. - TF Stats version 1.5 for Linux included. - Half-Life setinfo bug fixed. - Added better debugging code for TFC map makers. - Fixed bug in trigger_changelevel. Common Questions: 1) I start the server and nothing happens. After running ./hlds_l, you need to set the number of allowed players (see above) and start a map. You can do all of this from the command line as well: ./hlds_l -game tfc +maxplayers 16 +map cz2 2) How do I start a TFC server? Use the -game tfc option. 3) My server won't run, it's looking for: a) - see above. b) - this is no longer needed. You have an old version of the server. 4) How do I start a lan server? ./hlds -nomaster +sv_lan 1 5) Where can I get help? Subscribe to the one of our dedicated server mailing lists. For more info, visit our mailing list web site: Also, there are several user-run support sites on the net: 6) What are the server commands/cvars: changelevel mapname - change map, maintain client connections map mapname - change map, disconnect currently connected players status - return the status of the server restart - restart the server exec file.cfg - execute a script file quit - stop the server Client Variables cl_bob Default: 0 cl_bobcycle Default: 0 cl_bobup Default: 0 cl_rollangle Default: 2 cl_waterdist Default: 4 cl_rollspeed Default: 200 Multiplayer Variables 1 means on/allowed, 0 means off/disallowed. * means any integer is acceptable, 0 means no limit mp_autocrosshair Default: 1 mp_falldamage Default: 1 mp_flashlight Default: 0 mp_footsteps Default: 1 mp_forcerespawn Default: 1 mp_friendlyfire Default: 0 mp_teamplay Default: 0 mp_weaponstay Default: 0 mp_allowmonsters Default: 0 mp_fraglimit* Default: 0 mp_timelimit* Default: 0 Server Variables sv_accelerate Default: 10 sv_aim Default: 1 sv_airaccelerate Default: 10 sv_airmove Default: 1 sv_allowdownload Default: 1 sv_allowupload Default: 1 sv_bounce Default: 1 sv_challengetime Default: 15 sv_cheats Default: 0 sv_clienttrace Default: 1 sv_clipmode Default: 0 sv_friction Default: 4 sv_gravity Default: 800 sv_idealpitchscale Default: 0 sv_language Default: 0 sv_masterprint Default: 1 sv_masterprinttime Default: 5 sv_maxspectators Default: 8 sv_maxspeed Default: 320 sv_maxvelocity Default: 2000 sv_netsize Default: 0 sv_newunit Default: 0 sv_password Default: 0 sv_showcmd Default: 0 sv_skyname Default: 0 sv_spectalk Default: 1 sv_spectator_password Default: 0 sv_spectatormaxspeed Default: 500 sv_stepsize Default: 18 sv_stopspeed Default: 100 sv_timeout Default: 65 sv_upload_maxsize Default: 0 sv_wateraccelerate Default: 10 sv_wateramp Default: 0 sv_waterfriction Default: 1 sv_zmax Default: 4096 Team Play Variables team1_color Default: 0 team1_model Default: 0 team1_name Default: 0 team1_skin Default: 0 team2_color Default: 0 team2_model Default: 0 team2_name Default: 0 team2_skin Default: 0 brightness Default: 0 chase_active Default: 0 chase_back Default: 100 chase_right Default: 0 chase_up Default: 16 clientport Default: 27005 cmdline Default: 0 con_notifytime Default: 1 coop Default: 0 crosshair Default: 0 deathmatch Default: 1 decalfrequency Default: 30 developer Default: 0 direct Default: 0 displaysoundlist Default: 0 edgefriction Default: 2 fakelag Default: 0 fakeloss Default: 0 filterban Default: 1 fps_lan Default: 72 fps_modem Default: 30 fps_single Default: 72 gamma Default: 2 host_framerate Default: 0 host_killtime Default: 0 host_speeds Default: 0 HostMap Default: 0 hostname Default: 0 hostport Default: 0 ip Default: 0 ip_clientport Default: 0 ip_hostport Default: 0 ipx_clientport Default: 0 ipx_hostport Default: 0 lambert Default: 1 lcd_x Default: 0 lcd_yaw Default: 0 lightgamma Default: 2 mapcyclefile Default: 0 netchokeloop Default: 0 noip Default: 0 noipx Default: 1 pausable Default: 1 pm_pushfix Default: 0 port Default: 27015 r_netgraph Default: 0 rcon_password Default: 0 registered Default: 0 scr_ofsx Default: 0 scr_ofsy Default: 0 scr_ofsz Default: 0 serverprofile Default: 0 showdrop Default: 0 showpackets Default: 0 showtriggers Default: 0 skill Default: 1 sys_ticrate Default: 0 texgamma Default: 2 violence_ablood Default: 1 violence_agibs Default: 1 violence_hblood Default: 1 violence_hgibs Default: 1 View Variables v_centermove Default: 0 v_centerspeed Default: 500 v_dark Default: 0 v_idlescale Default: 0 v_ipitch_cycle Default: 1 v_ipitch_level Default: 0 v_iroll_cycle Default: 0 v_iroll_level Default: 0 v_iyaw_cycle Default: 2 v_iyaw_level Default: 0 v_kickpitch Default: 0 v_kickroll Default: 0 v_kicktime Default: 0 7) I am behind a firewall. What ports need to be opened for hlds? Incoming UDP to local destination 27015. Outgoing UDP to remote destination 27010, 27012, 27040. Outgoing TCP to remote destination 7002. 8) What environment are the hlds_l binaries built in? The hlds_l binaries are built on a SuSE 6.1 installation and linked against glibc 2.0.7. rpm -qf /lib/ shows that the library comes from the package shlibs-99.4.14-1, which has the following details: Name : shlibs Distribution: SuSE Linux 6.1 (i386) Version : 99.4.14 Vendor : SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany Release : 1 Build Date : Fri Apr 30 12:37:45 1999 Install date: Tue Jan 23 18:40:38 2001 Build Host : Group : unsorted Source RPM : libc-99.4.14-1.src.rpm Size : 8185636 License : Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Packager : ==== Please report any problems to Enjoy!