/*########################################################################## ## ## -- www.SteamTools.net ## ___ _____ ___ ___ _ __ _ ___ ___ _____ _ ## / | | _ \ / |/ | | | | \ | | / |/ | | _ \ | | ## / /| | | | | | / /| /| | | | | \| | / /| /| | | | | | | | ## / / | | | | | | / / |__/ | | | | | |\ | / / |__/ | | | | | | | | ## / / | | | |_| | / / | | | | | | \ | / / | | | |_| | | |___ ## /_/ |_| |_____/ /_/ |_| |_| |_| \_| /_/ |_| |_____/ |_____| ## ## |__ |__ o _|_ ___ __ __ o |__, ___ ## -- |__) (__| (__(__( | ) | |_, (__/_ | ) ) | | \ (__/_ ## | ## ## Originated as a simple idea back in 2004, it was forgotten due to ## lack of my 'Small' coding skills. However I have progressed in recent ## months and somehow crossed that old post with this concept in it. So ## naturally I challenged myself to see if I could do it, and voila! I ## could :) ## ## Once you join, you play a normal person for the first round, and for ## all remaining rounds your CT or TE models are custom. They now read ## "ADMIN" on front and back, and also have small "A" patches on the arms. ## I designed these models myself, it's very easy, just bring the textures ## into photoshop, tweak out, and replace. ## ## Enjoy! ## ## ## CHANGELOG ##------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 2) v1.1.1 - Fixed missing event ## 1) v1.1.0 - Fixed VIP and other model bugs ## ## ## INSTALLATION ##------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## 1) Unzip (which you may have done already) ## 2) Place 'amx_adminmodel.amxx' in 'cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins' ## 3) Add a line in 'configs/plugins.ini' containing 'amx_adminmodel.amxx' ## 4) Put the 'admin_ct' and 'admin_te' folders into 'cstrike/models' folder ## 5) -- Visit www.SteamTools.net and enjoy your new plugin! ## ## ## ## THE CVARs ##------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## ## No CVARs for this plugin :) ## ## ##########################################################################*/ #include #include #include public plugin_init() { register_plugin("AMX Admin Model", "1.1.1", "whitemike") register_event("ResetHUD", "resetModel", "b") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public plugin_precache() { precache_model("models/player/adminct/terror.mdl") precache_model("models/player/admint/vip_t.mdl") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public resetModel(id, level, cid) { if (get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_KICK) { new CsTeams:userTeam = cs_get_user_team(id) if (userTeam == CS_TEAM_T) { cs_set_user_model(id, "admin_te") } else if(userTeam == CS_TEAM_CT) { cs_set_user_model(id, "admin_ct") } else { cs_reset_user_model(id) } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }