// Each entry must have 5 numbers seperated by a space. // The first three numbers are the X Y Z coordinates of where the camera sits. // The 4th and 5th numbers are the PITCH and YAW of the cameras angles and is the direction that it points. // To easily get camera angles, fly around the map and type "spec_pos" in the console. // The console will return the 5 numbers that you need to paste into your entry below. // More cameras is better. "Cameras" { "CTSpawn" "2229.9 2032.7 250.3 29.0 19.4" "WellToFount" "2174.2 2825.0 421.7 30.2 -153.7" "CTTruck" "1650.9 2932.6 269.7 17.2 -123.3" "Construct" "1040.5 3473.1 464.8 50.8 -129.5" "BGarden" "518.8 3677.9 482.9 35.6 -73.2" "B1" "677.3 2801.3 649.2 53.0 -172.6" "B2" "382.9 3162.3 632.8 54.4 -89.8" "BBox" "10.7 2489.6 299.8 17.7 49.9" "BToSand" "835.0 2845.2 637.8 52.6 -126.1" "B3" "341.7 2658.2 690.9 54.9 50.1" "BanToB" "815.4 1935.5 552.3 50.7 135.0" "Banana1" "57.7 1294.4 242.6 21.5 61.3" "BananaCar" "351.9 2142.9 239.3 30.9 -67.7" "CTMid" "58.7 476.0 466.8 48.8 52.1" "THayBales" "-436.1 926.9 316.0 56.0 -89.6" "THayBales2" "-842.2 723.0 522.7 58.1 -23.4" "AltMidLong" "-959.5 -106.5 499.2 37.0 1.1" "AltMidLong" "921.0 -123.9 375.8 40.8 168.2" "MidFromA" "1479.9 473.1 349.8 34.1 168.3" "MidLaundry" "730.7 620.7 286.8 24.8 -45.5" "AltMidLaundry" "814.7 -94.8 577.0 72.0 137.5" "Halls" "1179.3 -288.5 360.1 27.3 -38.3" "APit" "2479.4 -441.0 512.1 42.0 122.6" "APit2" "2548.1 123.8 465.2 36.6 -138.4" "AInside" "1803.5 639.3 360.6 37.2 -43.3" "A1" "2267.7 -150.6 358.6 26.7 125.1" "A2" "2416.0 682.3 289.7 17.2 -139.8" "APatio" "1348.6 -112.9 544.9 42.3 56.8" "AAboveLib" "1348.6 -112.9 544.9 42.3 56.8" "AArch" "1368.4 1225.6 304.7 20.2 -43.5" "Arch" "1768.1 1916.2 336.5 27.2 -46.7" }