// Spawn locations and angles. // The first three numbers are the X Y Z coordinates of the player location. // The last three numbers are the PITCH YAW ROLL parameters of the player camera. // To easily get these numbers, walk around the map and type "getpos" in the console. // The console will return the 6 numbers that you need to paste into your entry below. "Retake" { "Spawns" { "CT" { // A site "0" { "0" "1827.446411 -1583.508545 -351.906281 3.025010 152.505112 0.000000" "1" "1881.807495 -1455.578857 -352.755737 5.555011 155.200150 0.000000" "2" "1894.747314 -1346.003906 -351.782623 3.795011 163.780304 0.000000" "3" "98.284538 78.638504 -351.906189 3.850050 -84.354782 0.000000" "4" "217.944992 81.296051 -351.906189 3.960050 -95.904846 0.000000" "5" "386.501587 289.255096 -351.906189 2.860050 -112.514771 0.000000" "6" "477.353271 112.284828 -351.908508 4.620059 -158.439514 0.000000" "7" "-349.254517 -326.273346 -351.906189 5.775097 -94.584648 0.000000" } // B site "1" { "0" "1576.323364 -1878.220947 -575.906189 2.090019 -179.841293 0.000000" "1" "1609.487671 -1979.546021 -575.906189 4.235075 170.125092 0.000000" "2" "1539.595459 -2041.754272 -575.906189 1.925072 149.829666 0.000000" "3" "1187.977905 -125.299736 -351.906189 3.300195 139.128769 0.000000" "4" "1101.742310 -243.664566 -351.906189 3.410053 109.701180 0.000000" "5" "65.669846 -193.346893 -351.906189 3.520051 50.169384 0.000000" "6" "173.024902 -242.023819 -351.906189 3.685049 69.609474 0.000000" } } "T" { // A site "0" { "0" "439.701294 -430.728943 -351.906189 0.220048 -66.750351 0.000000" "1" "391.304352 -680.313660 -351.906189 2.255052 -45.245312 0.000000" "2" "676.314880 -849.846741 -351.578369 -0.714948 -98.210297 0.000000" "3" "910.849426 -814.943909 -351.906189 1.045055 -119.770355 0.000000" "4" "834.290283 -432.108215 -351.906189 -0.219952 -116.085457 0.000000" "5" "653.616211 -380.847412 -351.906189 -1.704951 -96.505409 0.000000" } // B site "1" { "0" "481.199677 -1307.265869 -702.906189 4.344996 -175.020218 0.000000" "1" "447.878540 -938.309509 -707.906189 -7.369998 71.569695 0.000000" "2" "814.926270 -980.591858 -707.906189 4.125004 -0.315308 0.000000" "3" "793.895630 -890.297546 -707.906189 -8.414989 102.699738 0.000000" "4" "728.833191 -1293.010742 -705.906189 -0.769992 54.299778 0.000000" "5" "601.971008 -1069.505737 -707.906189 -6.104986 87.904762 0.000000" "6" "838.149231 -628.893921 -703.906189 2.200047 -110.615128 0.000000" } } } "BombPlants" { // A site "0" { "0" "1 548.984314 -688.872681 -399.968750 0.000000 321.179810 0.000000" // advantageous "1" "10 705.946655 -559.236633 -399.968750 0.000000 269.247437 0.000000" // default "2" "10 600.008423 -514.261230 -414.968750 0.000000 271.862183 0.000000" // default "3" "10 649.031433 -798.679504 -415.968750 0.000000 270.565796 0.000000" // default "4" "10 708.735779 -860.060120 -399.968750 0.000000 269.230957 0.000000" // default } // B site "1" { "0" "1 645.128113 -877.360718 -771.968750 0.000000 268.720093 0.000000" // advantageous "1" "10 340.031250 -908.596558 -771.968750 0.000000 359.351807 0.000000" // default "2" "10 639.393311 -1269.827759 -769.968750 0.000000 89.818726 0.000000" // default "3" "10 510.082031 -700.485352 -767.968750 0.000000 1.345825 0.000000" // default } } }